What better way to capture your website visitor’s attention than with animations? You can easily make your website’s elements fade, bounce, or whoosh by utilizing one of the multiple application engines openly available on the web. We’ll see how JavaScript animation libraries could indeed help with all of that in today’s post.
JavaScript libraries are a critical component of any web developer’s toolkit. While CSS can easily be used to add simple animations, when it tends to come to more complex and advanced effects, JavaScript is the superior tool. Among the seemingly limitless available libraries, here are all the ten best JavaScript animation libraries to be used in 2021.
AniJS enables you to create an animated sense of style for your website without writing a single line of JavaScript or CSS! All of your animations can be specified in HTML to use a simple If-On-Do-To syntax. It enables you to add animations to elements easily.
Bounce.js is indeed a JavaScript animation library focus on providing your website with a variety of unique, fun, bouncy, Warner Brothers-style animations. It is a small animation library that ships with approximately ten energy preset — thus the library’s small size. The animations, as with animate.css, are smooth as well as flawless. Consider using this library if your requirements revolve around “pop and bubble”-style animations, and you could benefit from a smaller file size overhead.
GreenSock JS
GreenSock (or GSAP – GreenSock Animation Platform) is online animation’s Swiss army knife. GSAP is great for elegant and complex animations that run smoothly. You can animate anything, from DOM components to SVGs. Its ecosystem contains some incredible plugins that let you do all sorts of cool things, such as morphing SVGs, drawing SVG strokes, adding scrolling capability, and scrambling text. It’s quick, cross-browser interoperable, and has an easy-to-understand syntax.
Because GSAP is modular, you may pick and choose whatever portions of the library you need for your project, ideal for maintaining a manageable file size. If you’re looking for a powerful yet straightforward animation toolkit with excellent documentation and community assistance, I strongly recommend giving this one a try in your next project.
Howler.js is a free and open-source audio library written in JavaScript. It is utilized in the production of video games and audio-relate online applications. Howler.js simplifies the process of developing audio in JavaScript on online platforms. It describes a modern audio library that supports the Web Audio API and a fallback approach for HTML5 Audio.
Howler.js supports any browser-capable audio and video formats, including MP3, MP4, DOLBY, MPEG, WEBA, and OGG. By playing, stopping, repeating, and seeking to rate, the library regulates audio patterns. Automatic caching of loaded audios results in improved speed.
KUTE.js is a powerful JavaScript animation library with a large number of features. It is always changing, which makes it modular. The KUTE.js animation engine generates sophisticate animations from components that cannot be animated using CSS attributes.
While animating various web application components, the KUTE.js toolkit prioritizes speed, code quality, memory efficiency, and versatility. This animation engine renders CSS attributes, SVG images, and other text components animated. You may get start by downloading the current version of KUTE.js from its project page or using the KUTE.js CDN.
Lottie by Airbnb
Lottie is a light animated graphics format that strikes a compromise between high-quality visuals and low rendering costs. It reduces the size of apps and incorporates dynamic features. It is compatible with web, Android, iOS, and IoT devices without any extra software.
Lottie is compatible with all browsers that accept JavaScript. The animations are save in plain text that is viewable by humans. Due to the JSON format in which the text data is held may be readily integrate into any JavaScript environment. As a result, it is a widely use animated graphics format for enhancing mobile frontends. On GitHub, Android alone has almost 30K ratings.
Magic Animations
Magic Animations has long been regard as one of the finest animation libraries accessible. It contains many unique animations, some of which are exclusive to this collection; just like with Animate.css, you may import Magic’s CSS file. You may also use jQuery to implement the animations. This project has an impressive demo application.
Magic Animation has a smaller file size than Animate.css and is well-known for its trademark animations, including magic effects, stupid effects, or bomb effects. If you’re searching for something unique, go for it. You will not be dissatisfied.
Mo.js is a JavaScript animation library devote to web-based motion graphics. This animation library is great and enjoyable to use since it eliminates the need for you to be a well-known developer or artist to create animations. In comparison to other animation libraries, Mo.js takes a unique approach to syntax & code animation structure.
Mo.js excels in click-to-animate microinteractions, dynamic typography, and manipulating hundreds of shapes. By incorporating Mo.js into your web application, you may improve your abilities, aesthetically enrich your material, and create stunning animations.
Popmotion combines the strength of JavaScript with the ease of CSS to enable you to quickly create declarative animations in your HTML, SVG, & React applications. It has keyframe animations, decay animations, and a timeline for synchronizing several instances.
ScrollReveal JS
ScrollReveal will not disappoint if you desire to animate your site components as they come into view. This simple-to-use animation library has no dependencies and a GitHub star rating of 18.5K+.
ScrollReveal provides a variety of various effects and is compatible with both online and mobile browsers. It operates with a stripped-down set on purpose to use it as a blank canvas for creativity. The authors recommend that you utilize the animations sparingly to optimize their effect.
Three.js is a small and easy-to-use JavaScript 3D animation toolkit. It simplifies the process of creating 3D content for a web page. Three.js creates 3D animations using WebGL (Web Graphics Library). WebGL is a JavaScript API for interactive 3D graphics rendering. It uses a camera as well as a geometric cube to generate a scene. For the location and camera, a WebGL renderer is constructed.
WebGL renders (draws) three-dimensional images on the scene contained within the geometric cube. Finally, the geometric cube gets animated for the camera within the scene. To begin using Three.js, either download the most recent version and reference it from the Three.js CDN. Then, using a script tag, add the script to your page.
Typed.js is a little library (more accurately, a plugin) for animating typing across your screen. Once a visitor enters a string, they may see it being written at a specified speed. Additionally, you may use the backspace key and begin a new phrase. If you want to make it accessible to visitors who do not have JS enabled, you need to include an HTML div on the page. This allows bots or search engines to view the entered text as well. This library has a GitHub star rating of 9.5K+. Slack and Envato are two notable users.
If you want to emulate a pen painting on a screen in real-time, Vivus is the tool for you. It enables you to animate SVGs to give the appearance of being drawn. It is quick and lightweight due to its lack of dependencies. You may select from three different animation styles: Delayed, Sync, or one by one. Alternatively, you may write a customized script to draw your SVG. To provide flexibility, a simple JavaScript code may be use to modify the animation of each path. On GitHub, this library has received over 13K thumbs up.
David DeSandro created Zdog, a JavaScript toolkit for generating 3D drawings and animations. With its aid, you may sketch your ideas using the <canvas> element and SVGs and bring them to life in seamless animations with a sleek 3D look. If you’re acquaint with JavaScript, you’ll master the basics of Zdog very quickly: it’s has a clear declarative API, fantastic docs as well as plenty of learning resources.
Let’s get started with Anime.js on this list for JavaScript animation libraries. This little animation package has over 35K ratings on GitHub. It uses a single robust API to animate HTML, CSS, JS, SVG, and DOM properties. An integrated staggering mechanism simplifies the process of producing ripples, directional motions, follow-through, and overlapping effects. This system may be use to calculate both timings or properties.
You can do a great deal using the built-in callback or control functions. For example, you may synchronize the playback, pausing, controlling, reversing, and triggering events. Visit Codepen to explore what more is available with this library.
Velocity.js is a transition library that takes advantage of jQuery and CSS transitions. It has almost 17K ratings on GitHub and notable users such as WhatsApp and Mailchimp. The features include looping, reversing, postponing, hiding/showing components, property math (+, -, *, /), plus hardware acceleration. Velocity.js may be use to scroll browser windows. It can operate both with and without jQuery installed in your browser and can even undo past animations.
Numerous JavaScript animation libraries are available for use in your applications. Those mentioned above are only a handful that offers the optimal balance of intricacy, simplicity of use, and stability. Each animation library is unique and tailored to certain scenarios. Assume you’re searching for a strong javascript animation libraries. Anime.js, Velocity.js, GreenSock.js, & Popmotion.js are the top JavaScript libraries to choose from.
If you’re looking for just an audio library, Howler.js is your best bet. And If you want to create 3D animations in JavaScript, the best library is use in Three.js. If you’re searching for a JavaScript animation toolkit that’s ideal for generating web-base typing animations, Type.js is your best bet.
Although including a javascript animation libraries enhances the visual appeal of your online application. Excessive usage defeats the objective and frequently confuses the user. Use animations carefully and intelligently.
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